
Software Testing Thesis

We want to help students in writing their software testing thesis. We were also once students and we know how valuable any help is. That’s why we have decided to create a list of references list for relevant testing topics. We provide here mainly literature from books, because web links are hard to maintain, since they often lead to 404 Errors after some years.

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Feel free to post further good sources for these topics here to help future students in writing their software testing theses.

Software Testing

Assassa, Gassy; Mathkour, Hassan; Al-Ghafees, Bander: Automated Software Testing in Educational Environment: A Design of Testing Framework for Extreme Programming, Department of Computer Science, College of Computer and Information Sciences, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia (2006)

Belorustes, Vladimir: Efficient Configuration Test Automation using Virtual Machines, Plaxo, Inc.

Berner, Stefan; Weber, Roland; Keller, Rudolf: Observations and Lessons Learned from Automated Testing, Zuelke Engineering, AG, Zurich Switzerland (2005)

Candea, George; Bucur, Stefan; Zamfir, Cristian: Automated Software Testing as a Service, School of Computer and Communication Services, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland (2010)

Dustin, Elfriede; Rashka, Jeff; Paul, John: Automated Software Testing, Introduction, Management, and Performance, Addison Wesley (1999)

Fewster, Mark; Graham, Dorothy: Software Test Automation, Addison-Wesley (1999)

Haley, Allen: Development and application of a white box approach to integration testing (1984)

Hauptmann, Benedikt Dr.: Reducing System Testing Effort by Focusing on Commonalities in Test Procedures. PhD thesis, Technische Universität München (2019)

Khan, Mohammed Ehmer; Khan, Farmeena: A Comparative Study of White Box, Black Box and Grey Box Testing Techniques (2012)

Littlewood, Bev: How Good Are Software Reliability Predictions? Software Reliability Achievement and Assessment, Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications (1987)

Memon, Atif M.; Stoffa, Mary Lou: Regression Testing of GUIs (2003)

McMaster, Scott; Memon; Atif M.: ” An Extensible Heuristic-Based Framework for GUI Test Case Maintenance“. In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME). Edmonton, Alberta (Canada) (2009)

Microsoft Corporation, Designing a Test Environment (2003)

Myers, Glenford; Sandler, Corey; Badgett, Tom: The art of software testing. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken (2012)

Nedyalkova, Stanislava; Bernardino, Jorge: ”Open Source Capture and Replay Tools Comparison“. In: Proceedings of the 6th International C* Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering. Porto (Portugal) (2013)

Sun, Yahong; Jones, Edward: Specification-Driven Automated Testing of GUI-Based Java Programs, Meditronic, Inc, and Florida A&M University (2004)

Paradkar, Amit; M.A. Vouk, K.C. Tai: Specification-based testing using cause-effect graphs (1997)

Patton, Ron: Software Testing (2nd Edition) (2005)


Oliveira, Gustavo de; Duarte, Alexandre: A framework for Automated Software Testing on the Cloud, Federal University of Paraiba, Paraiba, Brazil (2010)

Rafi, Dudekula Mohammed; Moses, Katam Reddy Kiran; Petersen, Kai: Benefits and Limitations of Automated Software Testing: Systematic Literature Review and Practitioner Survey, Blekinge Institute of Technology/Erikson AB School of Computing, Karlskrona, Sweden (2012)

Wang, Shuang; Offutt, Jeff: Comparison of Unit-Level Automated Test Generation Tools, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA (2009)  

GUI Testing

Adamoli, Andrea et al. ” Automated GUI Performance Testing“. In: Software Quality Journal 19.4 (Dez. 2011)

Huang, Si; Cohen, Myra; Memon, Atif M.: ”Repairing GUI Test Suites Using a Genetic Algorithm“. In: Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST). Washington, DC (USA) (2010)

Fachrul Pralienka Bani, Muhamad et al.: Visual GUI testing in continuous integration environment (2016)

Memon, Atif M.: ”Automatically Repairing Event Sequence-Based GUI Test Suites for Regression Testing“. In: ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology 18.2 (Nov. 2008)

Nguyen, Bao N. et al.: ”GUITAR: An Innovative Tool for Automated Testing of GUI-driven Software“. In: Automated Software Engineering 21.1 (März 2014).

Fachrul Pralienka Bani Muhamad, et al.: Visual GUI testing in continuous integration environment (2016)

Manager’s view on GUI Tests

Kaner, Cem: Avoiding Shelfware: A Managers’ View of Automated GUI Testing,, 2002

Ramler, Rudolf; Wolfmaier, Klaus: Economic Perspectives in Test Automation: Balancing Automated and Manual Testing with Opportunity Cost, Software Competence Center Hagenberg GmbH, Hagenberg, Austria (2006)

Mueller, Matthias; Padberg, Frank: About the Return on Investment of Test-Driven Development, University of Karlsruhe, Germany (2017)

Software Engineering in general

IEEE Standard Glossary of Software Engineering Technology ANSI/IEEE 610.12, IEEE Press (1990)

ISO/IEC/IEEE. Standard 29119-1: Software and systems engineering - software testing - part 1: Concepts and definitions (2013)

Martin, Robert C.: Clean Code, Prentice Hall (2009)

McConnell, Steve: Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction, Second Edition (2004)

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