At Quality First Software, located in Geretsried, Germany, we have been developing and distributing the test tool QF-Test for 20 years. It is used by over 1,500 customers in more than 60 countries worldwide.

We are continuously developing QF-Test but at the moment there are no vacancies to be filled.

Awarded by Great Place to Work© among the best employers in Bavaria and in the ICT sector of companies with less than 50 employees

"Ich arbeite jetzt seit 10 Jahren bei QFS und plane, dies solange auch weiterhin zu tun, bis ich auf Rente gehe. Muss ich mehr über unsere Firma sagen?"

Mike Schmidt QFS

Mike Schmidt

Sr. Licensing Manager, QFS

"Ich liebe meinen Job und QFS unterstützt mich dabei fachlich wie menschlich. Ich fühle mich hier zu Hause und habe Spaß an der Arbeit."

Beata Pazmany, QFS

Beáta Pázmány

Sr. Quality Assurance Manager, QFS

"Hier kann ich wirklich ich selbst sein."

Helena Aschenbrenner, QFS

Helena Aschenbrenner

Sr. Sales Manager und Accounting, QFS

"Tägliche Kickerrunden. Spaß ist wichtig bei der Arbeit, dafür steht das F in QFS."

Michael Höber, QFS

Michael Höber

Sr. Software Developer, QFS

"Am Besten gefällt mir bei QFS, dass jede/r seine Talente und Ideen, aus welchem Bereich auch immer einbringen kann - mit dem Risiko, diese selber umsetzen zu dürfen/müssen."

Martina Schmid, QFS

Dr. Martina Schmid

Assistenz der Geschäftsleitung, QFS

Our most important employee: the table soccer table – used intensively every office day.

Unsolicited applications

Skilled software developers (especially Java) who are excited about software quality are invited to apply anytime.

For students

We encourage and support people interested in information technology (m/f/d) & make them experience practical work experiences

  • In Leipzig we are an apprenticing company for IT specialists "Fachinformatiker - Anwendungsentwicklung IHK"
  • We offer studies in computer science "Duales Studium Informatik (Bachelor/Master)" in cooperation with Hochschule München and Berufsakademie Sachsen - Staatliche Studienakademie Leipzig, further cooperations planned.
  • As combination of the two upper topics combined studies are possible as well "Verbundstudium (Fachinformatiker + Duales Studium Informatik)".
  • Distance learning for computer science (e.g. IUBH)
  • We are also open for intested students for an IT internship, theses, bachelor or master theses
  • We find appropriate projects for working students of all natural sciences (MINT).

Everyone is unique and has special talents, so people with handicaps (autism ...) are welcome. We appreciate applications of college dropouts.

Are you interested? Then contact us via email to or call Thomas Max +49 8171 25776-41) or apply with a short video about yourself.

Our parent company, mgm-tp, is always looking for staff of all kinds for various locations. Please have a look at their vacancies.

We treat all information as described in our privacy policy .

Placement of QF‑Test users

  • Increasingly, we also receive queries from customers looking for QF-Test experienced employees or freelancers.
  • We actively try to help make connections and would like to ask job seekers and consultants with QF-Test knowledge as well as companies with corresponding needs to contact us.
  • We actively support both sides to get acquainted with each other. Please contact us by e-mail at


There are currently no client vacancies for testers/QF-Test experts.