
98 News Gefunden

The medium upgrade QF-Test 5.1 focuses on bringing support for embedded browsers - JxBrowser (including version 7), SWT Browser and JavaFX WebView, up to par with that for "normal" browsers. It also comes with support for Java 15, native Electron dialogs and customizable HTML reports. The internal JRE provided with QF-Test has been updated to Zulu OpenJDK 8_252.

This maintenance update adds support for Eclipse / SWT 4.16 alias "2020-06" and fixes a number of bugs.

Travelling to Treasure Island - recover the hidden treasures in QF-Test via scripting: extending functionality via Jython, Groovy and JavaScript

QF-Test 5.0.2 is a maintenance release with a few minor version updates and a handful of bug fixes.

This maintenance release includes support for Eclipse/SWT 4.15 alias 2020-03 and fixes a few minor bugs, in particular for the new Windows engine.

The visitor address of our main office is now in the office building in Bürgermeister-Graf-Ring 10 in 82538 Geretsried-Gelting.

It's time to move on: QF-Test 5.0 is a major step forward - not just with its new look and support for native Windows applications, but also with other enhancements that make automated testing more convenient and reliable.

In this release we completely re-wrote the manual chapters for web testing and especially the use of the central procedures qfs.web.ajax.installCustomWebResolver.

Also included are support for Eclipse/SWT 4.14 alias "2019-12", updates for the latest browsers like Microsoft Edge 80 or Opera 64 and 65 as well as some bug fixes.


This maintenance release includes support for Eclipse/SWT 4.13 alias 2019-09 and for the latest Java 13 version as well.

This medium upgrade comes with support for Java 13, OpenWebStart, Electron 6 and Opera 62. The embedded Chrome Browser was updated to CEF version 73 as well.

98 News Gefunden

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